Your End-to-End Guide to Strategy Reinvented
Change is happening fast and today’s organizations have to work hard to achieve ongoing results. This is precisely why having a radically clear and dynamic strategic plan for your organization is more important than ever. However, for many of us, the process of developing and executing a strategy can be intimidating.
You might fall into one of the following categories:
You acknowledge the necessity of a strategic plan and are looking for guidance on how to get started. Excellent! This email series is designed specifically for you!
You have already developed a strategic plan but could use some assistance in moving it forward. Great, we’ve got tips & tricks coming just for you!
You might be wondering, “What’s the big deal?” You’re getting by just fine without a strategy, so why go through all the trouble? Or you’re too busy to stop or slow down to create a strategic plan. In that case, this email series is definitely for you.
At inVision Edge, we’ve heard it all. Some aren’t interested in strategic planning because of a bad experience with it in the past. We call this “strategy scars.” Additionally, many consider strategic planning a one-time “Event,” where leadership huddles in a room to outline some critical priorities to focus on over the next three years. However, as the daily whirlwind takes priority, this plan is abandoned and forgotten about.
The inefficiencies and pain points that past strategic planning sessions have left on you might have left a bad taste in your mouth. But don’t worry, we’re here to tell you that the traditional ineffective strategic planning process is dead.
What you should be striving for with strategic planning is an ongoing system that allows your business to achieve repeated results, change alignment and resources, and ultimately guide and grow your business. And we’ve got the process to do it.
Here’s why you need a strategy more than ever. Watch the video below:
So How Do You Get Started?
Step 1:
Consider your past or current approach to strategy. What worked well? How can you accelerate that activity? What isn’t working? What should you stop doing?
You can answer these questions using our One Thing Exercise. Once you’ve asked yourself or your team these questions, you’ll have a starting point and some clearly defined boundaries before you engage in strategy again.
Step 2:
Follow along our monthly email series as we aim to change your relationship with strategy and improve the outcomes for your business. Each month we’ll dive deeper into one aspect of strategy you can use right now. We’ll also provide hands-on tools and exercises you can take back to your team for immediate results.
Up Next: The Growth Blueprint Assessment
Assess your organization’s current state in strategy, innovation, and leadership alignment.
Have questions on how your strategic plan stacks up?
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