Innovation IGNITER
The Innovation Igniter program is an innovation fundamentals course with facilitated sessions that will teach you how to innovate with confidence.

About the Innovation Igniter program
Many teams lack the systems and tools required for repeatable innovation. This inability to create and validate meaningful and unique solutions can hamper progress and lead to stagnation and missed opportunities.
The Innovation Igniter program teaches you to clearly identify and communicate innovation challenges, leverage stimulus for idea generation, and test critical threats to validate your proposed solutions.
- Use proven tools and techniques to grow your innovation skillset
- Leverage stimulus for idea generation
- Develop, communicate, test and validate ideas to show return on investment
- Mitigate critical threats to your proposed solutions
Who It's For?
Individuals or organizations looking to get started with a proven, repeatable system for innovation.
What You'll Learn
In this program, you will learn how to clearly identify and communicate innovation challenges and ideas, leverage stimulus for idea generation, and mitigate critical threats to your proposed solutions.
Time Commitment
Total: 27 hours over 5 weeks
- 4 hours of pre-recorded online video learning
- 2.5 hours/week of live facilitated learning
- 30 minutes/week of group coaching
- 8 hours of hands-on experience assignments
How it Works
This 5-week program follows the Cycles to Mastery method of learning, blending pre-recorded theoretical videos and live facilitated application-based learning each week, followed by hands-on experience assignments.
Participants who complete the requirements of the program earn a Blue Belt certification in Innovation Engineering and are well-prepared to use their skills immediately to deliver on priorities.
A note about our sign-up process:
At inVision, we know that clarity and impact come when you can take new learnings and apply them right away to priorities in your organization.
We also know that our training programs are best learned in groups. Too often we find that individuals come for training, only to feel lost when they return to their desks because there isn’t the corporate level buy-in on the tools, skills, and system they learned. This leads to frustration, and frankly, wasted resources. We’ve seen this with our training, and the training we’ve taken from other vendors throughout our careers.
For that reason, we’ve stopped offering single training seats. Instead, we wait for organizations to be ready and committed to leveraging the innovation system at an organizational level, or at least at a unit/branch level where there is a critical mass to carry the learnings.
We’d love to work with you and your ‘critical mass’ team when the time is right, and we would welcome a conversation then.
We also know many of our clients have Igniter-trained teams but need single seats as new employees join the team. In this case, we suggest “saving your seat” in the link below, and you’ll be notified the next time we run our Igniter program.
Program Modules
Module 1: Reframe
Innovation shouldn’t be a buzzword in your vocabulary, it should be a system that you harness. Learn how taking a systems-thinking approach to your next project can provide clarity throughout the project and maximize your ultimate impact.
Learn how to use a Blue Card to clearly communicate your innovation challenge and elicit meaningfully unique ideas that are in direct alignment with your strategic goals.
- Skill 1 — Meaningful Uniqueness
- Skill 2 — Strategy Activation – Blue Card
Module 3: Generate Ideas
Meaningfully unique ideas don’t just land in your lap—they are crafted by fusing smaller half-formed ideas into a single gem. Learn how to leverage the power of stimulus and diversity to create large quantities of ideas to drive innovation.
- Skill 3 — Stimulus & Diversity
- Skill 4 — Exploring Stimulus
- Skill 5 — Create Session
Communicating your ideas is as important as communicating your challenges. Learn how to write with clarity and focus by including what is necessary and cutting the rest. Then take it one step further by including useful numbers that support your ideas.
- Skill 6 — Concept Alignment – Yellow Cards
- Skill 7 — Concept Improvement
- Skill 8 — Estimating Concept Value
Module 5: PLAN, DO, STUDY, ACT
Get smarter without wasting your time, energy, or resources. Ideas start off as a loosely interconnected network of thoughts. Through Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycles, those ideas are refined into fully-formed paths forward. Learn how to identify critical risks associated with your idea and land at a well-formulated business case for implementation.- Skill 9 — Plan, Do, Study, Act
- Skill 10 — PDSA Best Practices
- Skill 11 — PDSA Concept Prototypes
- Skill 12 — PDSA Functional Prototypes
What You Get
Online Video Training and Live Classes
Learn the fundamentals of creating, communicating, and developing meaningfully unique solutions to your challenges, guided by experienced innovation professionals.
Practical Application to Your Work
Assignments that help you reframe your approach to getting feedback on ideas, creating solutions, and improving products or systems.
Innovation Igniter Program Certification
Achieve your internationally recognized Innovation Engineering Blue Belt certification by successfully completing all your assignments.
Yes! Igniter is the updated version of our Innovation Quick Start program, featuring new videos and streamlined technology for an improved learning experience. Upon completion of the program, learners will still receive their Innovation Engineering Blue Belt.
Yes, learners will still receive their Innovation Engineering Blue Belt upon successful completion of the training modules and all application assignments.
Innovation should never become stagnant, so we felt it was time to give the whole program a refresh to keep up with the times. The improved videos and online learning experience are major steps forward that will benefit training participants immensely.
No. Upon completion of the Innovation Igniter program, learners will still receive their Innovation Engineering Blue Belt.
Yes! While the new Igniter program features new videos and updated examples, the core content and methodology haven't changed. Your previous training and certification are remain valid and relevant.
Working with inVision Edge

Innovate Faster
Learn to apply reliable processes that foster innovation at all levels of your organization.
Powerful Yet Simple Systems and Tools
You will come away with access to many innovation-focused systems and tools you can use to accelerate innovation in your organization.
Great Things Guarantee
We’ll exceed your expectations. If we don’t, you can pay us what you feel our services are worth—guaranteed.

Want to learn more about our proven process for innovation and how to implement it within your organization? Download our free guide “Innovate with Confidence” to get all the details.

Innovation Mastery
Advanced training to develop true mastery of the innovation skills, tools, and techniques required to transform your organization.

Innovation Project Wave
World-class coaching, facilitation, and training to support organizations as they take on innovation projects.

Create Your Strategy
Our proven, repeatable process makes strategic planning practical, with a methodology that focuses on speed and execution.